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Legacy:Converting U2XMP Map To UTXMP

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Using U2XMP assets[edit]


What to do if you have problems using U2XMP texture packs you created by simply copying them?

For example, you need MyTexture texture from MyPackage.utx package. The workaround would be:

  1. Open MyPackage.utx with UT2004 editor
  2. Right click MyTexture texture and choose rename
  3. Change package name to MyPackage_temp (any different name is ok)
  4. Do the same with all textures you want to use
  5. Save MyPackage_temp package to disk
  6. Close unreal editor
  7. Delete MyPackage.utx and rename MyPackage_temp.utx to MyPackage.utx

Now you have working texture package, which is compatible with original one.

It seems that there are still some problems with DXT3 textures, causing them to appear corrupted on older video cards.

Static meshes[edit]

Every static mesh uses some texture packages. All textures should be in your UT textures folder before using static meshes.

The simple way would be: import static mesh to UT UED with the same name and pivot point as it had in U2XMP UED, and you can select_all/copy/paste all meshes in level. The hard part is importing them. If they are original U2XMP meshes, you have just open package which contains them. If they are custom ones, you better have original 3dsmax or Maya models :). Of course, you probably don't have them. So there is one way left, if you don't want to remake them:

  1. Convert static mesh to brush
  2. Export brush to file
  3. In UT UED prepare and open textures the brush uses
  4. In UT UED import brush from file
  5. Convert brush to static mesh

have in mind that you may loose static mesh optimisations and/or smoothing groups, so your meshes will look crappy.


The first thing that you have to do is to copy brushes, or at least main cube brush.

Before copying any brush, you must have all textures with the same name the brush is using opened in UT UED (package does not matter) in order them to be automatically assigned.

If you feel lucky, you can try to copy/paste (right click in top viewport and choose "paste to original location") all brushes at once. However, there may be problems with subtracted brushes and zone portals. You may have to delete them and try to add again, or create new.


Don't copy terrain info actor, but add new. Then move Heightmap, Alpha layers and terrain textures from U2XMP map to new package (it may be MyLevel), and manually edit TerrainInfo actor properties: Heightmap texture, scaling, movement/location, etc. Rebuild your level and you should see your terrain. You may probably need to paint terrain visibility manually.


Lights in UT are ~50% darker than in U2XMP. So in some cases its easier to create new lights than copy old ones, because lighting effect is also a little different.

See also[edit]

Mapping_For_UTXMP/Adding radar

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